Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Quran and Freedom

The Holy Quran ensures the following kinds of freedom to all mankind.

Freedom of life [5:32]

Freedom of belief [18:29]

Freedom of worship [39:15; 22:40]

Freedom of action [41:40]

Freedom from contempt and disrespect [31:18]

Freedom from ridicule [49:11]

Freedom from coercion [2:256; 10:99]

Freedom from servitude [3:79]

Freedom from deprivation of the dues [7:85; 11:85; 26:183]

Freedom from unjust or unlawful acquisition of wealth or property [2:188; 4:116]

Freedom from injustice and unfairness [4:58]

Freedom of one man ends at that point where the freedom of another begins to get restricted.

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