Sunday, February 28, 2010

What is 'research'?

According to, the word “research” comes from “recerche” (1539) of the Middle French (the French language as written and spoken c.1400-c.1600) or “recercher” from the Old French (the French language as written and spoken c. 900-1400.), meaning "to seek out, or search closely” (from re-, intensive prefix, + cercher "to seek for").

According to, the scientific definition of ‘research’ is:

A methodical study in order to prove a hypothesis or answer a specific question”.

According to, ‘research’ is:

An organized and systematic way of finding answers to important questions

Every research is focused on answering an important question. In scientific research, the process of finding the answer is well thought-out, well-planned, well-structured and well-organized comprising definite sets of procedures and steps.

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