Operations Management Jay Heizer Barry Render
Chapter 1: Operations and Productivity |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch01.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch01.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| Practice Problems - ch01pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Operations Management at Hard Rock |
| Video Clips - The Transformation Process at Regal Marine |
| Video Clips - Whirlpool Productivity |
Chapter 2: Operations Strategy in a Global Environment |
| Internet Case Study - International Operations at General Motors - GM.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Johannsen Steel Company - johannsen.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Motorola’s Global Strategy - Motorola.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch02.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| Practice Problems - ch02pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Hard Rock's Global Strategy |
| Video Clips - Strategy at Regal Marine |
Chapter 3: Project Management |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch03.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Haygood Brothers Construction - Haygood.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Shale Oil Company - Shale.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch03.ppt |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 3: Example 4, 5 and 6 - CH03Ex4.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 3: Example 8 and 9 - CH03Ex8.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch03pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Managing Hard Rock's Rockfest |
Chapter 4: Forecasting |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch04.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Human Resources, Inc. - ch04human resources.doc |
| Internet Case Study - The Akron Zoological Park - Akron.doc |
| Internet Case Study - The North-South Airline - Northsouth.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch04.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 4: Example 1 - CH04Ex1.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 4: Example 12 - CH04Ex12.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 4: Example 2 - CH04Ex2.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 4: Example 4 (Alpha = 0.1) - CH04Ex4a.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 4: Example 4 (Alpha = 0.5) - CH04Ex4b.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 4: Example 8 - CH04Ex8.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 4: Example 9 - CH04Ex9.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch04pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Forecasting at Hard Rock |
Chapter 5: Design of Goods and Services |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch05.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch05.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| Practice Problems - ch05pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Marriott's Room Redesign - vidclips05_03.html |
| Video Clips - Modular Assembly at Harley |
| Video Clips - Product Design at Regal Marine |
Chapter 6: Managing Quality |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch06.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Belaire Casino Hotel - chap06_BelAir.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Falls Church General Hospital - ch06_falls church.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Quality Cleaners - cho6_qualitycleaners.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Westover Electrical, Inc. - Westover.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch06.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| Practice Problems - ch06pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Quality at the Ritz - Carlton Hotel Company |
| Video Clips - Xerox's Benchmarking Strategy |
Supplement 6: Statistical Process Control |
| Internet Case Study - Green River Chemical - green river.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_supp6.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter S6: Example S1 - CH06SExS1.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter S6: Example S2 - CH06SExS2.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter S6: Example S4 - CH06SExS4.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter S6: Example S5 - CH06SExS5.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter S6: Example S6 - CH06SExS6.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter S6: Example S7 - CH06SExS7.xls |
| Practice Problems - supp06pp.doc |
| Video Clips - SPC at Harley Davidson |
Chapter 7: Process Strategy |
| Internet Case Study - Matthew Yachts, Inc. - Chap07_matthew yachts.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch07.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 7: Example 4 - CH07Ex4.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter S7: Example S3 - CH07SExS3.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch07pp.doc |
| Video Clips - CIM at Harley |
| Video Clips - Process Strategy at Wheeled Coach |
| Video Clips - Saturn Auto's Mass Production |
| Video Clips - Wassau Paper's Continuous Work Flow |
Supplement 7: Capacity Planning |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch7s.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Southwestern University’s Food Service - Chap07s_southwestern.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_supp7.ppt |
| Practice Problems - supp07pp.doc |
Chapter 8: Location Strategies |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch08.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Consolidated Bottling: A - ch08_consolidated.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Southwestern University’s Location Decision - Chap08southwestern_location.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch08.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 8: Example 1 - CH08Ex1.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 8: Example 2 - CH08Ex2.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 8: Example 3 - CH08Ex3.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch08pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Hard Rock's Location Selection |
Chapter 9: Layout Strategy |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch09.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Collier Technical College - ch09_collier.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Microfix Inc. - chap09_microfix.doc |
| Internet Case Study - W & G Beer Distributorship - ch09_w&g.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch09.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 9: Example 1 - CH09Ex1.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch09pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Facility Layout at Wheeled Coach |
| Video Clips - Layout at Service Organizations |
| Video Clips - Work Cells at Kurt |
Chapter 10: Human Resources and Job Design |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch10.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Lincoln Electric’s Incentive Pay System - Chap10_lincoln.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch10.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| Practice Problems - ch10pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Hard Rock's Human Resource Strategy |
| Video Clips - Successful Incentive Programs |
Supplement 10: Work Measurement |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch10s.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Chicago Southern Hospital - supp10_chicago_southern.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Telephone Operator Standards at AT&T - supp10_AT&T.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_supp10.ppt |
| Practice Problems - supp10pp.doc |
Chapter 11: Supply-Chain Management |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch11.doc |
| Internet Case Study - AT&T Buys a Printer - ch11_at&t.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Blue and Gray, Inc. - ch11_blue&gray.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Factory Enterprises, Inc. - ch11_factory_enterprises.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Thomas Manufacturing Company - ch11_thomas mfg.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch11.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| Practice Problems - ch11pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Supply Chain Management at Regal Marine |
Supplement 11: E-Commerce and Operations Management |
| Internet Case Study - Cisco’s E-commerce Connection - supp11_cisco.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Fruit of the Loom Tries E-Commerce - supp11_fruitloom.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_supp11.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
Chapter 12: Inventory Management |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch12.doc |
| Internet Case Study - LaPlace Power and Light Co. - chap12_laplace.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Martin-Pullin Bicycle Corporation - Chap12_martin_pullin.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Professional Video Management - chap12_professional_video.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Western Ranchman Outfitters (WRO) - cap12_westernranchman.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch12.ppt |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 12: Example 1 - CH12Ex1.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 12: Example 3 - CH12Ex3.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 12: Example 9 - CH12Ex9.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch12pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Inventory Control at Wheeled Coach |
Chapter 13: Aggregate Planning |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch13.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Cornwell Glass - Chap13_cornwell glass.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch13.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 13: Example 2 - CH13Ex2.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 13: Example 5 - CH13Ex5.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch13pp.doc |
Chapter 14: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch14.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Auto Parts, Inc. - Chap14_auto parts.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch14.ppt |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 14: Example 2 - CH14Ex2.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch14pp.doc |
| Video Clips - MRP at Wheeled Coach |
Chapter 15: Short Term Scheduling |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch15.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch15.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 15: Example 4 - CH15Ex4.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Chapter 15: Example 5 - CH15Ex5.xls |
| Practice Problems - ch15pp.doc |
| Video Clips - Scheduling at Hard Rock |
Chapter 16: Just-in-Time and Lean Production Systems |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch16.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch16.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| Practice Problems - ch16pp.doc |
| Video Clips - JIT at Harley |
| Video Clips - Sailing Through Inventory |
Chapter 17: Maintenance and Reliability |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWch17.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Cartak’s Department Store - Chap17_cartaks.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_ch17.ppt |
| Virtual Tours |
| Practice Problems - ch17pp.doc |
Quantitative Module A: Decision Making Tools |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWmodA.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Arctic, Inc. - Mod_A_arctic.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Toledo Leather Company - modA_toledo_leather.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_moda.ppt |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module A: Example A4 and A5 - ModAExA4.xls |
| Practice Problems - modApp.doc |
| |
Quantitative Module B: Linear Programming |
| Internet Case Study - Chase Manhattan Bank - modB_chase manhattan.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_modb.ppt |
| Practice Problems - modBpp.doc |
Quantitative Module C: Transportation Models |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWmodC.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Consolidated Bottling: B - Mod_C_consolidated bottling.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Northwest General Hospital - mod_C_northwest general hostpital.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_modc.ppt |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module C: Example C3 - ModCExC3.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module C: Example C5 - UNBALANCED - ModCExC5.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module C: Example C6 (DEGENERACY) - ModCExC6.xls |
| Practice Problems - modCpp.doc |
Quantitative Module D: Waiting-Line Models |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWmodD.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Pantry Shopper - Mod_D_pantry.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_modd.ppt |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module D: Example D1 - ModDExD1.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module D: Example D3 - ModDExD3.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module D: Example D4 - ModDExD4.xls |
| Practice Problems - modDpp.doc |
Quantitative Module E: Learning Curves |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWmodE.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_mode.ppt |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module E: Example E1 - ModEExE1.xls |
| ExcelOM Example Files - Module E: Example E2 - ModEExE2.xls |
| Practice Problems - modEpp.doc |
Quantitative Module F: Simulation |
| Internet Homework Problems - HWmodF.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Bialis Waste Disposal, GmbH - mod_F_Bialis.doc |
| Internet Case Study - Saigon Transport - Mod_F_saigon.doc |
| Lecture PowerPoints - lec_modf.ppt |
| Practice Problems - modFpp.doc |
Miscellaneous Resources | | | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 1 - ct01.pdf | | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 2 - ct02.pdf | | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 3 - ct03.pdf | | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 4 - ct04.pdf | | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 5 - ct05.pdf | |
Chapter 1: Operations and Productivity | Chapter 2: Operations Strategy in a Global Environment | Chapter 3: Project Management | Chapter 4: Forecasting | Chapter 5: Design of Goods and Services | Chapter 6: Managing Quality | Supplement 6: Statistical Process Control | Chapter 7: Process Strategy | Supplement 7: Capacity Planning | Chapter 8: Location Strategies | Chapter 9: Layout Strategy | Chapter 10: Human Resources and Job Design | Supplement 10: Work Measurement | Chapter 11: Supply-Chain Management | Supplement 11: E-Commerce and Operations Management | Chapter 12: Inventory Management | Chapter 13: Aggregate Planning | Chapter 14: Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP | Chapter 15: Short Term Scheduling | Chapter 16: Just-in-Time and Lean Production Systems | Chapter 17: Maintenance and Reliability | Quantitative Module A: Decision Making Tools | Quantitative Module B: Linear Programming | Quantitative Module C: Transportation Models | Quantitative Module D: Waiting-Line Models | Quantitative Module E: Learning Curves | Quantitative Module F: Simulation | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 1: Statistical Tools for Managers | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 2: Acceptance Sampling | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 3: The Simplex Method of Linear Programming | | CD-ROM Tutorial Chapter 5: Vehicle Routing and Scheduling | |
| | |
1 comment:
Can you provide solutions to some of the case studies you have mentioned ???
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